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Get Pubg Mobile Royale Pass free

Get Pubg Mobile Royale Pass free

I had shown you in this article how to get the Royale Pass for free. It's the feasible method and I'm 100 percent sure you'd get Royale Transfer. I ask you to read the whole article.so, let's get started without any delay.

Get Pubg Mobile Royale Pass free
Pubg Mobile Royale Pass

Requirements –
  1. A decent smartphone that, at the same time, can handle pubg and VPN. 
  2. Mobile PUBG on your tablet or you can grab it from the play store. 
  3. To update your Internet protocol address a VPN should be installed on your smartphone. 
  4. For this trick to work you have to have three or four Gmail ids.
      Step 1:
        1. Tap on the play store or AppStore and download the smartphone Official Pubg with its original files. 
          1. If mobile pubg is already enabled on your smartphone, then this should be modified to get a free Royale key.
            Note:- For some of you guys, this trick might be tricky, but you need the patience to wait and follow the whole process to get through and win a free royal pass. 

            Step 2:

            1. If you're watching this from India, you've got to install a virtual protocol network that will provide you with IPs from various places, and we want that. 
            2. Download the VPN and register with the program, and open the program. 
            3. Delete Pubg Smartphone or recent applications from your background tasks. 
            4. All this was about our second move.

            Step 3:

            1. Open your phone's Gmail program, or use the incognito tab of your Google Chrome or some other browser. Where to get to know Gmail.com securely 
            2. Check for gmail.com and click on the first connexion to create a new account with the IP address of the United States creating this account. 
            3. You have to think why we can't sign up for them with our real web protocol address I want to tell you this deal is only available for accounts built with US IP. 
            4. You must close the incognito tab after the Gmail account option, and remember the login information.
            5. Click on your phone's Gmail application and sign in with us the account you made, you'll need to link to a VPN to let it function.
              Step 4:

              1. Close all the latest applications and open your play store or AppStore according to your operating system and check for mobile pubg. 
              2. You will find a button for having coupons on the screen when you check for this word. 
              3. Click The Value Get Coupon button. So, in the play store or app store, you'll get a coupon at the gifts section. 
              4. Close all the apps from the context, and click on the PUBG mobile game and go to the shop section is our last and final move. 
              5. Click on the top right corner where the plus sign is shown along with UC if you want to buy Royale Transfer.
              6. Tap on the 600 Uc Royale pass and go for the transfer. 
              7. You will have to click on the payment methods section and pick our free royal pass coupon for payment. 
              8. Tap on payment to continue and you'll see a good payment receipt with a green check. 
              9. Hurrah!hurrah! We Did it, without giving any extra penny, you got a free royale pass.

                Step 5:

                1. For other ids, if you want to repeat this phase and want more passes, first you need to clear the play store and mobile pubg info. 
                2. This is the new, checked trick, you can use it with no problems.

                You should follow the above steps to get a free Royale pass and flaunt in front of everyone you've got royale pass and with royale pass, you'll also get lots of accessories/benefits. 

                This is one of the new tricks to get a free royal pass in a mobile pubg, don't forget to share it with your mates and you can enjoy it before the deal is over.

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