Among Us-themed mode in Pubg Mobile: the fact about it
Among Us-themed mode in Pubg Mobile: the fact about it
Among Us-themed mode in Pubg Mobile |
In the future, in the form of a collective mode in the latter, Among us-themed mode in PUBG Mobile could have a big surprise for the fans. This is due to a video is leaked by a famous YouTuber named 'LuckyMan'.
He was able to play it early to check it, according to the content creator, and it will come soon as a patch 1.2 update to the Chinese edition of PUBG Mobile.
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note:- we don't guarantee you that this mode will come in pubg mobile, it's actually according to the Youtuber lucky man.
Among Us-themed mode in PUBG Mobile
At this point, the Among Us-themed mode in pubg mobile news is far from confirmed. The Chinese version of the title, 'Game for Peace,' however, has already adopted the new theme, bringing improvements in particular.
The new game mode is called "Who is the ghost" and has two teams: a ghost and special forces. The role of the latter is to kill the members of the special force before they find out who the ghost is.
A complete view of Among Us-themed mode in Pubg Mobile |
From the point of view of the ghost, the entire video produced by LuckyMan is, and the go along with images represents a brief description of what is happening in the game.
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Because it appears in the Chinese version of the pubg mobile game, there is a definite possibility that fans will see this new mode themselves shortly if these rumors are real.
Hopefully, if the new mode finds its way into the global edition, without any copyright claims, it should create enough improvements to be legally accepted. For some lookalikes between us, this has been the case.
However, when the latest themed version will unfold, it's hard to guess. In general, Game for Peace is an update or two ahead of PUBG Mobile. As version 1.2 has just been released this week, February or March is the earliest fans can expect this collab if things stick to their usual monthly timetable.
There is every chance that when it's concluded, it'll be a limited-time experience that every player will skip. Yet, there is no concrete evidence that fans are ever going to get this edition outside of China i.e, the global version.
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